Saturday, February 23, 2008

Church Official Addresses

From "Citizens for a Decent Community"

If you have taken steps to resolve your concerns with your Priest or Bishop, but to no avail, you should bring the matter to the attention of those Church Officials responsible for the particular concern that you have. Your correspondence with them should be logical, factual, documented and most of all charitable:

Appointment and Conduct of Bishops:
Cardinal Francis Arrinze (Your Eminence)
Prefect, COngregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Vatican City
Telephone: 011 390-6-6988-4217

Matters Affecting Education:
Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski (Your Eminence)
Prefect, Congregation for Catholic Education and SEinaries
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City
Telephone: 011-390-6-6988-4156

Matters Affecting Catechetics:
Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos (Your Eminence)
Piazza Pio XII, 3
00193 Vatican City
Telephone: 011 390-6-6988-4136

Liturgical Abuses:
Cardinal Francis Arrinze (Your Eminence)
Prefect, Congregation for Divine Worship and Sacraments
Piazza Pio XII, 10
00193 Vatican City
Telephone: 011 390-6-6988-4368

Cardinal Edward M. Egan (Your Excellency)
Archbishop of New York
1011 First Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Telephone: (212) 371-1000

Liturgical Matters in the Diocese
Dennis Pouse, Conference of Bishops in New York State
465 State Street
Albany, NY 12203-1004
Telephone: (518) 434-6195
Web Site:


Anonymous said...

Can I submit a complaint about this site? I find it offensive to suggest that local Catholics go over the head of their bishop to complain about him being too liberal, or closing schools, or whatever, when bishops involved in the sex scandal still have their jobs. I will, of course, be logical, factual, documented and most of all charitable.

Anonymous said...

A few of your links aren't quite right. Giovanni Battista Re heads the Congregation for Bishops, not Cardinal Arinze. I'm curious about including a contact for complaining about liturgical abuses. That doesn't seem to keep your effort in focus here.

Rather than spreading the word of how to complain, why not attempt to find allies? To pray? How many non-parents would be deeply edified to see all school families at Sunday Mass each weekend?

By all means, continue the protests, as you collectively feel aggrieved. But there are positive steps to take. In all likelihood, these steps should have been taken years ago to head off this latest crisis.
