Friday, March 21, 2008

The letters are starting to come in

While a letter sent home this week stated that acceptance letters would start being sent out on Monday, March 24th, it appears that rejection letters may be coming sooner.

A posting on a private group message board for Holy Trinity school from Thursday March 20th states the following:

One of our families already received a rejection letter from St.Rita's today. Their child is devastated. I'm not comfortable sayingwho they are, but I thought you all should know.

Has anyone else received a letter (good or bad)?


Darrin said...

I'll update my own post with our news. We received our "letter of acceptance" from St. Rita's today. It is bittersweet in that it has REALLY hit home that we are not going to be at SMM next year, and also that there will be many that do not get into the school of their choice.

The rumor I heard is that one-half of those from SMM that applies to Christ the King were not accepted, and that there was not room. CtK is only accepting apps now for Kindergarten and 5th grade, as they will have two each of those grades (they only had two extra classrooms). The remaining classes were all overbooked and will have people turned away from them.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting because we were told in a meeting last week that the families who chose CtK didn't have to worry, there was plenty of room. Does anyone at the diocese know what is going on?

Anonymous said...

While we may have peace of mind this Easter weekend, my fellow SMM families are in my prayers.

God will provide, God will provide, God WILL provide.

I am thinking of you all.


Anonymous said...

The 4/18 Christ The King newsletter stated that they are “over” in grades 1, 2,3, 4 and 6, and they had already decided who would be sent to their second choice school. CTK is opening another section for kindergarten and 5th grade since they are “way over” at those two grade levels. They will also be hiring two new teachers. The newsletter also stated that those who were accepted will be getting letters on Monday. We did not receive one, so our child must have been rejected.

Anonymous said...

We just received the news today that our daughter did not make it into Christ the King next year, but she was accepted at our second choice school. I heard that many parents did not put down a second choice, so they were accepted. Now I wonder if we should have done the same thing. We really had our heart set on CTK. She is very upset and will miss her classmates next year.

Anonymous said...

I am personally very saddened by the closing of St Margaret Mary's and other schools. I know there is anger about this, but we need to act in the best interest of our children.

Christ the King is a school with open arms. Please do not trash this school. They have a great education program and are doing everything they can. Even though many children did not get into this school, CTK is not discriminating which schools can go there. There needs to be a fair system to selecting children (from other schools besides SMM).
Christ the King is scheduling many event for prospective students. Attending these is imperative to see what CTK offers for your family. Teachers are also dedicating numerous hours to planning for next year, meeting with parents, and many other things. These teachers should be commended for their dedication to their job, not trashed for the few flaws they have.

I pray for the families affected by this decision.

The diocese should have not closed so many schools. I agree with you here. But if we want our children to receive the best education, we must look to the future and cooperate and work with other schools like CTK to provide our children with the quality education Catholic schools exemplify.